Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holiday Chartity Scams

I thought this comment deserved it's own post, so Im reposting it here:

Hey Stop Con, it's holiday time!

Just a reminder: word is that Brenda Diane Mullis [AKA: Bren, Diane, Dee Mullis has attempted to collect charitable donations in the past in the name of SPN International [changing SPN to mean Suicide Prevention Network] and acquaintances she claims are in need.

Make sure to protect yourself against scams.

Kathy M. Kristof of the L.A. Times had this to say in her column this morning.....

"Do some research before you donate to charity

Every holiday season consumers get pitched by numerous charities that hope the spirit of giving will pry open hearts and pocketbooks. The appeals often have a sense of urgency as many charities struggle this year with increasing needs and declining donations because of the economic malaise."

Make sure your dollars do the good you intended. She recommends looking up charities here:

Read the complete column:,0,987370.column

Have a fun and safe December everybody!


  1. I would like to contribute information to the class action law suit.
    I have information on this person.

  2. you can email us at
